We've Gone Solar!
March 5, 2024
All of our houses have been Energy Star certified since 2019, and for the past year they have been certified by the Department of Energy's Zero Energy Ready Homes program (ZERH). Energy efficiency is important to us because we want to deliver a high-quality product that adds long-term value to our home buyers.
After looking for cost-effective ways to deliver the best results, we are excited to announce that all of our houses going forward will include solar panels as a standard feature! We feel that this is a value-adding product that differentiates us from our competition.
We've done all of the research and heavy lifting for you. We've partnered with reputable and experienced solar companies. We use Native Solar in Idaho and Hot Solar in Washington. If you've ever called a solar company for an estimate your head was probably spinning with information overload - inverters, kilowatts, DC vs AC, net metering, energy offset, payback period, orientation, warranty, useful life... It can be overwhelming! But we've made it easy, and all you have to do is collect your $4,000+ tax credit and enjoy substantially reduced power bills! You can expect to save approximately $65 per month on your electric bill.
These solar panels are included in the price of your home and they are fully paid for. You won't have any payments to make or lease to assume. This is our way to combat inflation and high interest rates to help you save money on your monthly payments and add permanent value to your home!